I know we are all living in uncertain times. During these crazy days, emotions may feel like a rollercoaster. But we have the choice to stay with the heavy emotions or to look around and see the many ways in which our lives are blessed.
Everything is energy, even words and thoughts. Take a moment and think about this. When you say “I can’t do …” It feels draining, doesn’t it? When you say “I am doing…” It feels energizing, right? Every word you speak and thought you have carries with it energy.
Look at my cucumber plant. One of the plants grew and came up holding its seed buddy. The seed buddy got stuck and wasn’t ready to grow yet. It will never reach its full potential. Something in the planting was just off, for this seed. That happens in life too.
Boundaries: What are they and why do we need them? Boundaries are important. They help keep us safe. They help us understand limits. They establish basic guidelines for interpersonal relationships.
While walking in one of my favorite parks, I came upon this sign, warning me ahead of time, before I smelled the stench of smoke, before I saw the destruction on one side of the path, it readied me for what lay ahead. Prepare for the sadness, my heart said.
Many times there is willfulness around the topic of "forgiveness.” People sometimes view this as "for others" when, in fact, forgiveness is the greatest gift we can give ourselves.
Mindfulness is the tool to awareness. Becoming aware of who we are, where we are and our role in the Universe, helps us become aware of how we show up with others.