Prescribed Burn! Warning!

Prescribed Burn Ahead! Do Not Report.—-Warning.


While walking in one of my favorite parks, I came upon this sign, warning me ahead of time, before I smelled the stench of smoke, before I saw the destruction on one side of the path, it readied me for what lay ahead. Prepare for the sadness, my heart said.

 Prescribed burns are done with #intention. They are done to #reduceweeds and #promotegrowth, help the vegetation #thrive. Wouldn't it be great if life came with warning signs. 

The DO NOT REPORT, called out to me. It made me think of all the times we don’t share our experiences with others, all the times we try to move through pain on our own. Many times, this creates feelings of guilt, shame and overwhelm.

We all experience pain. That is part of life. Although pain is a part of life and it happens, we get to choose if we suffer and how much. We can choose when to stop suffering and when to allow the pain help us grow and thrive. 

We have the capacity to intentionally #choose to rid our lives of all that no longer serves us and only keep the parts that add to us. We can do our own #prescribedburn, and learn how to grow and thrive from and in spite of the pain that we are confronted with. We also have the ability to connect authentically with those around us to help us move out of suffering.

How do you use pain to create more #awareness and #consciousness in your life?

What #lessons do you take away after experiencing pain? 

Who is in your tribe, your circle, that you trust to help you move from feeling overwhelmed and stuck to creating joy and happiness?





Chellie Grossman